Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Mock Entremet

Monday, February 24:

Today we had to complete our entremet.  It was our second and last try before the final is due next Tuesday.  The first time I made mine, it wasn't the best it could be, the layers weren't divided correctly and didn't provide correct textures, so back to the drawing board.  I replaced the brownie layer with a chocolate crumble/sable, which allowed for a crunch factor.  My coulis also needed to be tweaked.  The first time I placed fresh sliced strawberries on top of the frozen coulis, which hindered slicing the cake.  So the second time I cooked the strawberries with the coulis, and allowed them to freeze together, also allowing the strawberries a better texture when slicing.  My timing wasn't great on the first try, however with the second time, I was better prepared and knew my outline. 

My Entremet (starting from the bottom)
-Chocolate Crumble/Sable
-Vanilla Bavarian
-Chocolate Dacquoise
-Strawberry Coulis
-Vanilla Bavarian

My entremet was also poorly garnished at the first attempt, but I was able to execute my plan for garnish with the second attempt.  I feel ready and able to successfully complete the final entremet next week. 


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